Become a member of the association

Currently, more and more people in Ukraine require professional psychological assistance in coping with grief, loss, or traumatic experiences from military actions. And this assistance should primarily be effective and qualified.

Joining the Association provides practicing psychologists with the opportunity to deepen their own knowledge and acquire new techniques and methodologies for application in real therapy, as well as contribute to the development of psychological science in the field of grief psychology.

Membership benefits, key benefits and privileges enjoyed by members of the association

Attracting new clients to therapy.

Promoting information about the psychologist and their activities in the network.

The opportunity to join a community of colleagues and like-minded individuals for knowledge and experience exchange.

Participation in educational programs, training courses, and events organized by the Association.

Involvement in new projects and scientific activities under the auspices of the Association.

Information on joining the association

To become a member of the Association, a candidate must complete the appropriate application and questionnaire, upload them to the Association's website, and undergo a personal interview with the President or the Board of the Association.
After reviewing the entrance documents and conducting the interview, the Board of the Association makes an individual decision regarding each candidate's membership.
Candidates who have completed the Association's certified grief therapy training program only need to submit an application for membership without undergoing an interview.
Upon a positive decision, inclusion in the Association's Member Registry and issuance of a membership card occur after payment of the entrance and annual fees.

Membership requirements and application process:

The procedure for joining a public organization

«International Association of Psychologists for Work with Grief and Bereavement»
The main requirement for candidates seeking membership in the Association is the possession of a basic psychological education.
Individuals eligible for Association membership include: Psychologists who have completed grief therapy training certified by the Association - no interview is required.
Psychologists who wish to join the ranks of the Association - a mandatory interview with the Association's President is conducted.
President is conducted. Interviews with the Association's President for new candidate memberships are held every 3 months.